This can be dangerous--very dangerous. I already knew a little bit about RSS--was planning to set something up with my home email address but had never gotten around to it. And then today I went to bloglines and came up for air about an hour later (and I had to be on desk). So I quickly found sites that I wanted to RSS. It was more difficult to learn what other 2.0 Discoverers had selected--in fact that's what took so long. A lot of people didn't actually add their sites to their post. Nevertheless it was fun to wander through peoples' posts and see what people are doing and what triggers their interests. For those a little farther back on the path--who are looking for an RSS feed to add--here's my favorite (one I discovered on my own): icanhazcheezburger.com.

If you're having a bad day--just look at these silly pictures and you
will be laughing out loud--literally--really--it's kind of embarrassing.
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