Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well I am just grumpy about this. I don't like instant messaging. I can see cases where it would be useful. Years ago I tried using it with my daughter who was away at college. I thought it would save on phone bills and keep us in touch. Instead I ended up in 3 way conversations with her friends--while she was busy chatting with yet another person.

Here at work we have Exodus but it rarely gets used. If you know someone is at her desk--well I would just rather pick up the phone and call. It's faster and there are all those subliminal signals that come out in a voiced conversation. However if you are at a meeting with your laptop--and you want to talk to someone--hmmm--that might be useful.

It was also very confusing figuring out where to insert the Meebo sidebar. The original instructions were very confusing. Only when I read further did I figure it out.

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